Serving Music Fiends of Discriminating Taste Since 2004




 BFP Free Studios. 


Welcome to the home of Big Flaming Records, one of Canada's smallest and least prosperous record labels. We're situated in central Winnipeg at Big Flaming Pile's World Headquarters, the home of BFP Free Studios: perhaps one of the most state-of-the-art recording studios on the block.

BFP Free Studios is proud to offer an acoustically unremarkable place for bands to record their material. Our rudimentary studio setup includes a 4 Channel Stereo Disco Mixer and a PC complete with recording software not unlike ProTools, the choice of recording professionals around the world. Or so we're told, we've never actually met one.

Take a look and a listen. Check out the BFR Catalogue or download free MP3's below!





The Complete BFR Catalogue!




 Damn Dirty Apes - Mixed Ape 


9-song cassette-EP


The debut release from Winnipeg's Damn Dirty Apes, "Mixed Ape" is a 10-minute digitally-recorded analog cassette featuring 9 tracks of low-fidelity rock n' roll laid down by the Apes in one intense 4-hour recording session.  Lead singer Derek Ape describes the songs as "reflecting the band's view of society as I see it, somewhat sillily."

Alex Ape - bass
Brian Ape - sticks
Ape - guit and vox

Recorded @ BFP Studios 08/23/2004










 Graveyard Geckos - Sloth Sessions 



3-song demo CD


For the Graveyard Geckos, Sloth Sessions represents the culmination of a year's worth of sporadic and intermittent recording sessions at BFP Studios.

Gecko A - songs, vocals, bass, & guitar.

Gecko B - drummery

Recorded @ BFP Studios 2004-2005







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 Hot MP3 Action. 


DAMN DIRTY APES, from Mixed Ape, 2004:

Corporate Scum
Chrissy's Song
Rinse and Repeat
No Law, No Order

GRAVEYARD GECKOS, from Sloth Sessions, 2005:

Green Box Blues
Cigarette Brain



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